NI LabVIEW Quiz Challenge

Our monthly quiz question

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“It’s okay to have fun”. A phrase that was used in the past to promote LabVIEW. And many programmers will agree with this, it is fun to program in LabVIEW.


For this edition we received a nice question from Norm Kirchner from NI (

If you answer the following question correctly, you might win a gift!


What is the result in XY Graph and Boolean Grid?

This VI shows some interesting LabVIEW coding including: conditional indexing, concatenating indexing, complex data as a first class citizen, decimate 1d array, complex data going to a XY graph and a complex multiply with a bias vector of mag(1) causes a rotation.

Quiz Ni 2025-02
For the previous edition Alexander van Galen from Benchmark Electronics created a question.

This was the question:

  • What is the result in “Array 1” and “Array 2”?
  • What is the result in “Array 1” and “Array 2” when you change “Input” from -0 to 0?


The right answer is:   


Start with -0
Array 1 = {T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T}
Array 2 = {F, T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F, T} 

Start with 0
Array 1 = {T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T, T}
Array 2 = {T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F, T, F} 



Here are the winners:  

NetherlandsJeroen Ploegmakers 

NorwayTom Kristian Moen from Autronica Fire and Security 

FinlandMikko Rossi from the University of Jyväskylä 

SwedenPeter Nilsson from Etteplan 

BelgiumStijn Helsen from Flanders Make 

DenmarkRasmus Ejlersen from CCM Electronic Engineering 

Quiz NI 2025-1

Do you want to challenge the Newsletter readers? Send your question to and who knows, we might use it. Let’s have some fun!

Enter your LabVIEW Quiz Answer, just give it a go!