Physical Layer Testing of 3G-SDI and HD-SDI Serial Digital Signals
The transition to high definition (HD) and 3G-SDI can be a smooth one if careful engineering practices are followed in the initial stages of planning the facility. Our application note provides a concise overview of what you need to be aware of during the transition.
The transition to HD or 4K/UHD can be executed smoothly if careful engineering practices are followed in the initial stages of planning the facility. Selection of the correct type of cable appropriate for the high data rates of single link or quad link (for 4K/UHD) HD-SDI or 3G-SDI signals is critical to ensuring a quality installation. Careful installation, avoiding incorrect crimping, twists, bends or stress to the cable, will ensure the high speed SDI signal will be transmitted easily and successfully. During installation, simple test and measurement procedures should be carried out to ensure the performance of each link and ensure that each piece of equipment performs to its specification. A waveform monitor with Eye and Jitter measurement capability is an invaluable tool in investigating physical layer problems with the SDI signal.