2025-04-01 09:00
2025-04-03 17:00
Event information
CN Rood office Zellik (BE) - Z.1 Researchpark 40 – B-1731
Contact person
Michel Borsboom

Join Our Exclusive Vibration Training Courses with Ad Bastiaanssen!
CN Rood is organizing two Vibration Training Courses on April 1, 2 and 3 in Brussels.
On April 1 and 2, 2025, we will host a two-day “Introduction to Vibration” course.
For those interested in aspects of vibration technology beyond the introductory course, a second course ‘Fixtures, Software and Specifications for Vibration’ will take place on April 3, 2025.
The Vibration Training Courses will be led by none other than Ad Bastiaanssen, a renowned expert on vibration test environments.
This training will only take place if we have enough participants, so if you are interested in joining, please let me know as soon as possible to secure your spot!
Course 1 “Introduction to Vibration”
CN Rood will organize the 2-day course “Introduction to Vibration” on April 1 and 2. The course provides a practical introduction to the subject of vibration testing and emphasizes the practical aspects of it: the realities, the problems, the mistakes and the do’s and dont’s.
This course aims to give more insight knowledge to the followers of the course in:
- testing with a shaker system
- dealing with several kind of tests
- reading the theoretical test and the implementation of the test
- designing a fixture
This course is meant for persons:
- who are completely new to the area of testing with shakers
- who want to extend their knowledge on this matter
- who write test specifications
- who want to understand the reality of the shaker tests
- who designs products which needs to be proven by shaker tests
- who want to purchase a shaker system
This 2-day course includes a training syllabus, “VIBKIT” software for all mathematical calculations in the field of shaker testing and lunch and drinks. Hotel stays are not included.
Costs per participant: 1.099,00 Euro, ex VAT
Course 2 “Fixtures, Software and Specifications for Vibration”
CN Rood will organize the 1-day course “Fixtures, Software and Specifications for Vibration” on April 3.
This course aims to give more insight knowledge to the attendees in:
- developing and modelling fixtures and working with fixtures
- the pro’s and con’s of fixtures
- explanation of matters like cross axial stiffness, over-turning moment and centre of gravitation (CoG)
- detailed information of accelerometers and how to use them correctly
- the sense and non-sense about specifications
- dealing with different kind of tests: sine – random – classical shock – resonance search track & dwell (RSTD – sine on random (SoR) – random on random (RoR) – shock response spectrum (SRS)
- reading a theoretical test and the practical use of it
This course is meant for persons:
- who has attended the course “Introduction to Vibration” and want to extend their knowledge
- who develop fixtures
- who meet problems while testing with shakers
The attendees are kindly invited to bring along their fixtures, about which they want to know more in detail and why they may be wrong.
This 1-day course includes lunch and drinks. Feel free to bring your own fixtures for expert expertise on effectiveness.
Costs per participant: 699,00 Euro, ex VAT
Our Expert